Thank you to everyone who participated in PGRAS 2012!
May 26, 2012
by Scott Tucker
Well, it’s over. Thanks to all of our presenters, symposium organizers, volunteers and faculty members for making this year’s symposium a huge success. We saw a a lot of exciting new research from our colleagues, received feedback from a broader audience than we often receive, and had a great time doing it. We also managed to raise around £270 for our charity, Action on Addiction! Congratulations to Dr. Allison Gascoigne on winning our photo competition! See her photo here, or soon on the wall of the Sarah Champion seminar room. The vote was very close, and I would like to also mention our two runners up, Rodrigo Pacheco-Ruiz and Clara Fuquen-Gomez, whose maritime themed photos seem just too nice to not display. We will look for a place for these photos as well.
And a very special thank you to Professor David Hinton for delivering an amazing keynote address, reflecting on his career at Southampton. The standing ovation was well deserved, and it was a perfect cap-off to this event.
Categories: PGRAS 2012.