Postgraduate Research Archaeology Symposium

Caroline Armstrong (2016)

Key Words: Osteology, long-term history, Anglo-Saxon, Viking immigration, formation of England.


Barton-Upon-Humber lies on the southern bank of the Humber, in the north of Lincolnshire, England. Barton-Upon-Humber was, and still is, a small, quintessentially English town that went through gradual changes over the course of hundreds of years. Its population rose and fell at different points throughout history in connection to various changes in the social and political landscape.

A history of the town from the fifth century to the thirteenth century will be given. Due to its isolation and small size, there are few primary sources that directly address Barton-Upon-Humber. Thus, the narration will extrapolate from the many written sources from surrounding areas and the archaeological evidence from the town in order to posit how Barton-Upon-Humber was affected over the centuries by the incoming Anglo-Saxons, the formation of the kingdom of Lindsey, the introduction and spread of Christianity, the Viking invasions, and the eventual acceptance of English rule throughout England.

These are pivotal centuries in the formation of England, and the deeper understanding of towns such as Barton-Upon-Humber would be helpful in reconstructing the process whereby England came together under one ruler. To address the deficiency of written sources directly concerning Barton-Upon-Humber, future osteoarchaeological work will be suggested.
