Postgraduate Research Archaeology Symposium

PGRAS 2013 – Post-Symposium Reflections

May 28, 2013
by Mark Almond

I am pleased to say that the Postgraduate Research Archaeology Symposium 2013 was a great success! Not only was there a great set of presentations from our PGR students, but also a great turn out of students and staff to hear them present. Post-presentation discussion was lively and constructive, and cake-fueled coffee breaks were filled with conversations about interesting cross-overs between different people’s research.

PGR coordinator Jo Sofaer welcoming everyone to PGRAS 2013 (top) Post-presentation discussion on ‘Ownership and Display’ (bottom)

We also managed to tick off all our archaeological buzzwords on our bingo sheets (thanks in part to some elaborately constructed questions from John McNabb).

Our cake and book stalls raised £205 for MacMillan Cancer Support and The Brooke. Thanks to everyone who donated cakes and books, and also everyone who bought something delicious or informative.

The symposium was rounded off by a fantastic keynote from Prof Chris Stringer from the Natural History Museum on “Current Status of Homo heidelbergensis”.


The symposium was made possible through the hard work of the PGRAS committee, led by Lizzie Norton, consisting of: Richard Chuang, Sarah Green, Brittany Hill, Lizzie Richley and myself. We also relied on a team of volunteers throughout the two days to help with the cake and books stalls, as well as loading presentations- thanks to all those who volunteered!

We would like to thank Jo Sofaer for her support as PGR coordinator, as well as all those who presented for their hard work.

Categories: PGRAS 2013. Tags: pgras and symposium.
