Postgraduate Research Archaeology Symposium

Vassilios Varouhakis

Archaeology and National Identity in Crete during the 19th and 20th century

Supervisor: Professor Yannis Hamilakis


My research will be an attempt for a deconstructive approach on narrating mechanisms and strategies behind the nationalist and/or localist consumption of the past, using the island of Crete as a case study; moreover, how this phenomenon is placed within the broader discussion on nationalism and neo-colonialism which, amid global crisis, becomes more demanding than ever. Selective reading on the scholarly production around nationalism will be investigated. Furthermore, the archives of Western and Greek pioneers of Cretan archaeology constitute a valuable field of study. Related references in Cretan, Greek and foreign press, discussions in the meeting minutes from municipal councils, along with the archives of philological associations and correspondence between key persons add up to my resources.

