Roberta Cascino (2016)
Keywords: Landscape, trade and commerce, pottery
My research aims to answer questions about the nature of trade and commerce in the hinterland of Rome using the archaeological material. I have chosen to deal with the strip of land that extends between the Tyrrhenian coast and Rome. This area corresponds to the ancient Ager Veientanus (the territory dominated by Etruscan Veii). Regarding the chronology, I will focus my study on the period between the 7th c. BC and the 3rd c. BC.
The amount of the archaeological material useful for my topic will be essentially pottery from various archaeological survey contexts, either published or unpublished.
With regard to the latter, my study are based on the pottery collected during the South Etruria Survey by John Ward-Perkins between the 1950s and 1970s, and stored at the British School at Rome. This survey covered a large part of the Rome’s hinterland and collected a huge quantity of varied archeological material dating from prehistory to the early modern period.
I will present some preliminary data coming out from the study of settlements identified during the Ward-Perkins Survey